Rodney Harmon
Licensed Private Investigator
Bio Coming Soon
Community Involvement
- Association of Certified Fraud Specialists, Inc.
- Seniors Against Investment Fraud 2005
- Alameda County Public Defender’s Office
- Death Penalty Workshop 1989
- American Professional Society on Abuse of Children
- When does poor parenting cross over into psychological maltreatment 2020
- Online Safety for Children During the Covid-19 Crisis 2020
- When Faith Hurts and Responding to the Spiritual Impact of Child Abuse 2020
- Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Children in Foster Care 2020
- Sexual Health during the Pandemic 2020
- California Association of Licensed Investigators Source Database, Computer Search Procedures 1988
- Labor Management Law 1988
- Emotional Dynamics I-V 1988
- Gangs 1988
- Wrongful Termination 1994
- Sexual Harassment in the Work Place 1994
- Environmental Hazardous Waste Investigation 1994
- Bank Fraud 1995
- Amended Fair Credit Reporting Act 1997
- Computer Forensics 2006
- Law of Pretexting 2006
- Background and Social Media Investigations 2017
- Ethical Considerations During a Pandemic & Times of Civil Unrest 2020
- California Attorneys for Criminal Justice
- California Public Defender’s Association
- Penalty Phase Workshop 1987
- Criminal Defense Challenges 1988
- Death Penalty Defense 1987-1999
- Staying on the Offensive 2003
- Ready for the Defense-Tips from the Masters 2004
- California Peace Officers Association
- Aides & Law Enforcement (Organizer) 1988
- Street Gangs (Organizer) 1988
- California State Bar Association
- The State of Our Prisons
- Issues in Sentencing & Corrections 1992
- California Teachers Association
- Criminal & Credential Representation Issues 2004
- Child Abuse Council - Sacramento
- Child Abuse Issues & Speakers Bureau 1987
- Criminal Defense Attorneys of Sacramento
- Drug Cases 1987
- Defense Investigators Association
- Advanced Investigation 1985
- Advanced Criminal Investigation 1986
- Investigating Violent Crimes 1986
- Effective Communication Skills 1987
- Communication with the Vietnamese Community 1987
- Homicide Investigation 1988
- Communication with the Vietnamese Community 1989
- DNA 1989
- The Law and the Investigator 1989
- Serial Killers Profiles & Trends 1989
- Homicide Investigation 1990
- Advanced Criminal Investigation 1990
- Youth Gangs & Drugs 1990
- The Psychology & Investigation of Violent Crime 1991
- Homicide Investigation 1992
- Investigating Sexual Assault Allegations 2006
- NGRI Case Investigation, Post Sanchez 2020
- Everfi
- Diversity: Inclusion in the modern Workplace 2018, 2020
- Harassment & Discrimination Prevention 2018, 2020
- Managing Bias 2018, 2020
- Federal Bar Association
- Health Care Fraud 1994
- Federal Defender’s Office (Eastern District of California)
- Sentencing Guidelines 1994
- Use of Demonstrative Evidence 1995
- Panel Management 1995, 2020
- Sentencing Guidelines 1995
- Cellular Phone Forensics 2010
- Forensic Mental Health Association
- Dynamics of Sexual Abuse 1987
- Child Abuse Treatment 1987
- The Male Victim, The Retarded Victim 1987
- The Non-Abusive Spouse 1987
- Child Sexual Abuse 1987
- Treatment of the Offender, 1987
- The Victim, The Adult Survivor 1987
- S & W Seminars
- Professional Investigator 1981
- Skopenow
- Emerging TikTok Investigative Techniques and Skopenow Best Practices 2020
- Team Macro Pro
- Covid-19: The Impact on the Courts, QME/AME, Investigations & Records 2020
- National Association of Investigative Specialists
- Missing Person Investigation 1985
- United States Census Bureau
- Enumerator Training 2020